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GRB A Textbook of Physical Chemistry for Neet (2019-2020 Examination)

GRB A Textbook of Physical Chemistry for Neet (2019-2020 Examination)


An advanced-level textbook of physical chemistry for the graduate (B.Sc) and postgraduate (M.Sc) students of Indian and foreign universities. This book is a part of four volume series, entitled "A Textbook of Physical Chemistry – Volume I, II, III, IV". CONTENTS: Chapter 1. Quantum Mechanics – I: Postulates of quantum mechanics; Derivation of Schrodinger wave equation; Max-Born interpretation of wave functions; The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; Quantum mechanical operators and their commutation relations; Hermitian operators (elementary ideas, quantum mechanical operator for linear momentum, angular momentum and energy as Hermition operator); The average value of the square of Hermitian operators; Commuting operators and uncertainty principle(x & p; E & t); Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in one dimensional box; Evaluation of average position, average momentum and determination of uncertainty in position and momentum and hence Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; Pictorial representation of the wave equation of a particle in one dimensional box and its influence on the kinetic energy of the particle in each successive quantum level; Lowest energy of the particle. Chapter 2. Thermodynamics – I: Brief resume of first and second Law of thermodynamics; Entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes; Variation of entropy with temperature, pressure and volume; Entropy concept as a measure of unavailable energy and criteria for the spontaneity of reaction; Free energy, enthalpy functions and their significance, criteria for spontaneity of a process; Partial molar quantities (free energy, volume, heat concept); Gibb’s-Duhem equation. Chapter 3. Chemical Dynamics – I: Effect of temperature on reaction rates; Rate law for opposing reactions of Ist order and IInd order; Rate law for consecutive & parallel reactions of Ist order reactions; Collision theory of reaction rates and its limitations; Steric factor; Activated complex theory; Ionic reactions: single and double sphere models; Influence of solv

1 year ago
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