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Legal aspects of business BBA Books
1 The Indian Contract Act, 1872 2 Contracts of Indemnity and Gurantee 3 Contracts of Agency 4 The sale of Goods Act 1930 5 The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 6 The Companies Act, 1956 7 The Consumer protection Act, 1986 8 The Information Technology Act, 2000 9 Intellectual Property Laws
Pracheen Bharat Ka Itihaas by Jha & Shrimali
The object of this volume is to provide within a moderate compass a compendious account of the history, institutions, and culture of ancient India from the dim ages of antiquity to the establishment of Moslem rule. It has not been planned to meet the needs of any particular class of readers. Its primary purpose is to serve alike students, scholars, and all others, interested in the study of ancient Indian history, as a book of ready use and reference. The pages which follow every attempt has been made to avoid presenting a mass of the dry bones of historical fact or over-burdening the account with intricate discussions on knotty problems of history, on the one hand, and giving a mere general and readable survey of India's long and fascinating past, on the other. I have endeavoured to tap and utilise properly the available sources of information, literary, epigraphic, and numismatic, and also to embody and set forth in a consistent manner the results of up-to-date researches on different topics and epochs. All the materials have been patiently sifted and critically examined with the sole desire to arrive at historical truth and scientific accuracy; and the unfortunate tendency, manifest in some modern publications, to extol or decry without warrant any of the manifolds aspects of India's panoramic story, has been scrupulously eschewed This book gives an authoritative, up-to-date, and compendious account of the history, institutions and culture of India from the earliest times to the advent of the Moslem period. It is based on all available materials - literary, epigraphic, and numismatic - and is written in a most elegant, sober, and lucid style. The author brings to bear upon his task not only profound scholarship and critical acumen but also scrupulous regard for historical truth, the accuracy of facts and impartiality of judgement. The merit of the book has been enhanced by an exhaustive Bibliography and a comprehensive Index. Students, scholars and the general reader alike will find the book highly interesting
Electrical technology, as a subject, covers various divisions of electrical engineering like basic electrical engineering,electronics, control systems, instrumentation and communication systems.For close to 60 years, “A Textbook of Electrical Technology: Volume III {Transmission, Distribution and Utilization}”discusses and explains various theories related to Transmission, Distribution and Utilization aspects of Electricaltechnology. Coverage of topics such as Rating & Service Capacity and Distribution Automation as full chaptersillustrate the depth provided within the text in a succinct manner.
The Strengths and Bhava Analysis : A Journey into the World of ..USED
This volume of the book covers two important aspects of Jyotia, strengths and Bhva Analysis. The strength section covers several forms of strength, including the abala, i.e., the six sources of strength, the Bhvabala, the Ribala. This includes few other forms of strengths such as the Viopaka Bala, Vaieika, Ia-Kaa Phala and the Graha Rami. This should provide one with a comprehensive understanding of the matters concerning strength. The understanding of strength is highly significant because strength is ubiquitous. One cannot examine a Kual without considering the strength. We naturally use strength in the form of Graha in Sva, Ucca, Mlatrikoa, Nca or atru Ri. We use the strength granted by di of ubhagrahas or the Grahas in Kendras etc. The strength section provides a systematic method of dealing with various forms of strength. I have tried to explain each of them with copious examples, which I believe the seeker should find helpful. The following section provides a comprehensive method of judging a Bhva. Everything that we experience in life is grouped into 12 different Bhvas. The Bhva assessment is a significant area of Jyotia. However, it isn't easy. The results of a Bhva is affected by several factors, and one must adopt a systematic approach to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Bhva. In this regard, crya Mantrevara provides a systematic approach to analyse a Bhva, which is covered exhaustively.
The Rasi and Bhava Phalas : A Journey into the World of Jyotish USED
Jyotish is the ancient science of deciphering the essential uniformity of principles that guide the celestial bodies and the events in the world. Because of these unified principles, what happens in this world can be deciphered from what happens in the heavenly world. The movement of Grahas or Grahas, as they are called in Sanskrit, provides for a unified language used for deciphering the occurrences of this world, including the matters concerning humans, animals, plants, weather and nations. This is an exciting subject of associating the symbols of nature to the occurrences of mundane events or human affairs; however, it is exceedingly vast. To be able to cover the expansive vistas of this subject, one must undertake a structured approach, which covers several areas of Jyotish, including Ganita, Samhita and Hora. The Ganita deals with the mathematical or astronomical aspect of this subject, the Samhita deals with the mundane elements such as weather forecasting, earthquakes, rainfall etc., and the Hora deals with the judgement of the Kundalis of individuals. This book introduces the subject.
An Introduction to Jyotish: A Journey into the World of Jyotish USED
“Who am I?” “From whence am I?” These perennial questions have plagued mystics, philosophers, theologists and scientists since time immemorial. Mankind is still grappling with the mystery of the self and consciousness. And many have given up and declared, “One cannot know!” This book unravels the mystery of the self and consciousness, and elucidates it in a comprehensive fashion supported by scientific research. An explanation is provided about the state of enlightenment, which mystics have attempted to expound in the absence of modern empirical knowledge. Upon the discovery of one’s real nature, the pressure of living ceases to exist and the conflict within subsides. Disturbing questions regarding love and relationships, behaviour and morality, and the search for enlightenment are investigated and resolved in such a manner to remove the burden they impose. This publication does not propose to change you, rather it questions the concept of self. Who is this ‘you’? It highlights that the focus should be elsewhere and offers a new perspective.