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All in one chemistry class 11 21-22

All in one chemistry class 11 21-22


1. All in One ICSE self-study guide deals with Class 10 Chemistry 2. It Covers Complete Theory, Practice & Assessment 3. The Guide has been divided in 12 Chapters 4. Complete Study: Focused Theories, Solved Examples, Check points & Summaries 5. Complete Practice: Exam Practice, Chapter Exercise and Challengers are given for practice 6. Complete Assessment: Practical Work, ICSE Latest Specimen Papers & Solved Papers Arihant’s ‘All in One’ is one of the best-selling series in the academic genre that is skillfully designed to provide Complete Study, Practice and Assessment. With 2021-22 revised edition of “All in One ICSE Chemistry” for class 10, which is designed as per the recently prescribed syllabus. The entire book is categorized under 12 chapters giving complete coverage to the syllabus. Each chapter is well supported with Focused Theories, Solved Examples, Check points & Summaries comprising Complete Study Guidance. While Exam Practice, Chapter Exercise and Challengers are given for the Complete Practice. Lastly, Experiments, Sample and Specimen Papers loaded in the book give a Complete Assessment. Serving as the Self – Study Guide it provides all the explanations and guidance that are needed to study efficiently and succeed in the exam. TOC Periodic Properties and Their Variations, Chemical Bonding, Acids, Bases and Salts, Analytical Chemistry: Uses of Sodium and Ammonium Hydroxides, Mole Concept & Stoichemetry, Electrolysis, Metallurgy, Study of Compounds, General Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids, Explanations to Challengers, Internal Assessment of Practical Work, Sample Questions Papers (1-5), Latest ICSE Specimen Paper, ICSE Solved Paper 2019 & 2020.

11 months ago