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Country Risk Management  MBA  Moodys  International Relations

Country Risk Management MBA Moodys International Relations

₹275 ₹7724
96% off

Country risk has been a key notion for economists, financiers, and investors. Norbert Gaillard defines this notion as “any macroeconomic, microeconomic, financial, social, political, institutional, judiciary, climatic, technological, or sanitary risk that affects (or could affect) an investor in a foreign country. Damages may materialize in several ways: financial losses; threat to the safety of the investing company’s employees, clients, or consumers; reputational damage; or loss of a market or supply source.” Chapter 1 introduces the key concepts. Chapter 2 investigates how country risk has evolved and manifested since the advent of the Pax Britannica in 1816. It describes the international political and economic environment and identifies the main obstacles to foreign investment. Chapter 3 documents the numerous forms that country risk may take and provides illustrations of them. Seven broad components of country risk are scrutinized in turn: international political risks; domestic political and institutional risks; jurisdiction risks; macroeconomic risks; microeconomic risks; sanitary, health, industrial, and environmental risks; and natural and climate risks. Chapter 4 focuses on sovereign risk. It presents the rating methodologies used by four raters; next, it measures and compares their performance (i.e., their ability to forecast sovereign defaults). Chapter 5 studies the risks likely to affect exporters, importers, foreign creditors of corporate entities, foreign shareholders, and foreign direct investors. It presents the rating methodologies used by seven raters and measures their track records in terms of anticipating eight types of shocks that reflect the main components of country risk analyzed in Chapter 3. This book will be most relevant to graduate students in economics as well as professional economists and international investors.

4 months ago
Introduction to artificial intelligence by Rajendra Akerkar

Introduction to artificial intelligence by Rajendra Akerkar


This comprehensive text acquaints the readers with the important aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent systems and guides them towards a better understanding of the subject. The text begins with a brief introduction to artificial intelligence, including application areas, its history and future, and programming. It then deals with symbolic logic, knowledge acquisition, representation and reasoning. The text also lucidly explains AI technologies such as computer vision, natural language processing, pattern recognition and speech recognition. Topics such as expert systems, neural networks, constraint programming and case-based reasoning are also discussed in the book. In the Second Edition, the contents and presentation have been improved thoroughly and in addition six new chapters providing a simulating and inspiring synthesis of new artificial intelligence and an appendix on AI tools have been introduced. The treatment throughout the book is primarily tailored to the curriculum needs of B.E./B.Tech. students in Computer Science and Engineering, B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. students in Computer Science, and MCA students. The book is also useful for computer professionals interested in exploring the field of artificial intelligence. Key Features • Exposes the readers to real-world applications of AI. • Concepts are duly supported by examples and cases. • Provides appendices on PROLOG, LISP and AI Tools. • Incorporates most recommendations of the Curriculum Committee on Computer Science/Engineering for AI and Intelligent Systems. • Exercises provided will help readers apply what they have learned.

10 months ago