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Raag Darbari

Raag Darbari


रागदरबारी एक ऐसा उपन्यास है जो गांव की कथा के माध्यम से आधुनिक भारतीय जीवन की मूल्यहीनता अनावृत करता है। शुरू से आखिर तक इ ने निस्संग और सौददेश्य व्यंगय के साथ हिंदी का शायद यह पहला उपन्यास है। फिरभी राग दरबारी व्यंग्य-कथा नहीं है। इसका समबन्ध एक एड़े नगर से कुछ दूर बेस हुए गांव की ज़िन्दगने वर्षो की प्रगति और विकास के नारों के बावजूद निहित स्वार्थो और अनेक अवांक्षनीय तत्वों के सामने ज़िन्दगी के दस्तावेज़ हैं।१९६८ में राग दरबारीप्रकाशन एक महत्वपूर्ण साहित्यिक घटना थी। १९७० में इसे साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कृत किया गया और १९८६ में एक दूरदर्शन-धारावाहिक के रूप में इसे लाखो दर्शको की सराहना प्राप्त हुई।

11 months ago
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Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing


Description Completelyself-contained?and heavily illustrated?this introduction to basicconcepts and methodologies for digital image processing is writtenat a level that truly is suitable for seniors and first-yeargraduate students in almost any technical discipline. The leadingtextbook in its field for more than twenty years, it continues itscutting-edge focus on contemporary developments in all mainstreamareas of image processing?e.g., image fundamentals, imageenhancement in the spatial and frequency domains, restoration,color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphology,segmentation, image description, and the fundamentals of objectrecognition. It focuses on material that is fundamental and has abroad scope of application. For Sale in Indiansubcontinent only Accessible mathematical complexity Ensures understanding by students who have introductory preparation in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, and rudimentary computer programming. Heavily illustrated. Ensures easy comprehension of material, especially for today's visual learners. Chapter-end Problem sets. Provides students with more opportunities for hands-on practice. Digital Image Fundamentals. Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain. Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain. Image Restoration. Color Image Processing. Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing. Image Compression. Morphological Image Processing. Image Segmentation. Representation and Description. Object Recognition Rafael C. Gonzalez received the B.S.E.E. degree from theUniversity of Miami in 1965 and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees inelectrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville,in 1967 and 1970, respectively. He joined the Electrical andComputer Engineering Department at University of Tennessee,Knoxville (UTK) in 1970, where he became Associate Professor in1973, Professor in 1978, and Distinguished Service Professor in1984. He served as Chairman of the department from 1994 thro

11 months ago
Modern electronic instrumentation and measurement Techniques

Modern electronic instrumentation and measurement Techniques


The fourth edition of this highly readable and well-received book presents the subject of measurement and instrumentation systems as an integrated and coherent text suitable for a one-semester course for undergraduate students of Instrumentation Engineering, as well as for instrumentation course/paper for Electrical/Electronics disciplines. Modern scientific world requires an increasing number of complex measurements and instruments. The subject matter of this well-planned text is designed to ensure that the students gain a thorough understanding of the concepts and principles of measurement of physical quantities and the related transducers and instruments. This edition retains all the features of its previous editions viz. plenty of worked-out examples, review questions culled from examination papers of various universities for practice and the solutions to numerical problems and other additional information in appendices. NEW TO THIS EDITION Besides the inclusion of a new chapter on Hazardous Areas and Instrumentation(Chapter 15), various new sections have been added and existing sections modified in the following chapters: Chapter 3 Linearisation and Spline interpolation Chapter 5 Classifications of transducers, Hall effect, Piezoresistivity, Surface acoustic waves, Optical effects (This chapter has been thoroughly modified) Chapter 6 Proximitys sensors Chapter 8 Hall effect and Saw transducers Chapter 9 Proving ring, Prony brake, Industrial weighing systems, Tachometers Chapter 10 ITS-90, SAW thermometer Chapter 12 Glass gauge, Level switches, Zero suppression and Zero elevation, Level switches Chapter 13 The section on ISFET has been modified substantially

11 months ago
Networks lines and fields

Networks lines and fields


This well-established and widely adopted book, now in its Sixth Edition, provides a thorough analysis of the subject in an easy-to-read style. It analyzes, systematically and logically, the basic concepts and their applications to enable the students to comprehend the subject with ease. The book begins with a clear exposition of the background topics in chemical equilibrium, kinetics, atomic structure and chemical bonding. Then follows a detailed discussion on the structure of solids, crystal imperfections, phase diagrams, solid-state diffusion and phase transformations. This provides a deep insight into the structural control necessary for optimizing the various properties of materials. The mechanical properties covered include elastic, anelastic and viscoelastic behaviour, plastic deformation, creep and fracture phenomena. The next four chapters are devoted to a detailed description of electrical conduction, superconductivity, semiconductors, and magnetic and dielectric properties. The final chapter on ‘Nanomaterials’ is an important addition to the sixth edition. It describes the state-of-art developments in this new field. This eminently readable and student-friendly text not only provides a masterly analysis of all the relevant topics, but also makes them comprehensible to the students through the skillful use of well-drawn diagrams, illustrative tables, worked-out examples, and in many other ways. The book is primarily intended for undergraduate students of all branches of engineering (B.E./B.Tech.) and postgraduate students of Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science. KEY FEATURES • All relevant units and constants listed at the beginning of each chapter • A note on SI units and a full table of conversion factors at the beginning • A new chapter on ‘Nanomaterials’ describing the state-of-art information • Examples with solutions and problems with answers • About 350 multiple choice questions with answers

11 months ago