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Thomas calculus 11th edition

Thomas calculus 11th edition


Description Calculus hasn't changed, but your students have. Many oftoday's students have seen calculus before at the high schoollevel. However, professors report nationwide that students comeinto their calculus courses with weak backgrounds in algebra andtrigonometry, two areas of knowledge vital to the mastery ofcalculus. Thomas' Calculus , Eleventh Edition responds to the needs oftoday's students by developing their conceptual understanding whilemaintaining a rigor appropriate to the calculus course Strong Examples and Exercise Sets encourage students to think clearly about the problems, reinforcing their mathematical intuition. Exceptional Art Captions and Multifigured Images provide insight for students and support quantitative and conceptual reasoning. Strong Multivariable Coverage helps students make the leap from single variable to multivariable calculus. Flexible Table of Contents that divides complex topics into smaller sections and provides instructors with unlimited flexibility in creating course outlines. Preliminaries Limits and Derivatives Differentiation Applications of Derivatives Integration Applications of Definite Integrals Transcendental Functions Techniques of Integration Further Applications of Integration Conic Sections and Polar Coordinates Infinite Sequences and Series Vectors and the Geometry of Space Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space Partial Derivatives Multiple Integrals Integration in Vector Fields

2 days ago
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