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Hindi translation of the Mahabharata

Hindi translation of the Mahabharata


224 ईसापूर्व महान सम्राट अशोक को एक प्राचीन और भयावह रहस्य का पता चलता है - एक ऐसा रहस्य जो महाभारत की गहराईयों मैं समाया था; ऐसा रहस्य जो दुनिया को नष्ट कर सकता है; ऐसा जो 2300 वर्षों से छुपा हुआ था|वर्तमान काल एक सेवानिवृत परमाणु वैज्ञानिक की हत्या हो जाती है| वः कुछ सुरागों से भरे ईमेल सन्देश अपने भतीजे के लिए छोड़ जाता है| वह और उसके दोस्त गूढ़ संकेतों के सहारे सुरागों का और 2000 साल पुराने खण्डरों का पीछा करते है| ज़बरदस्त विनाशकारी ताकतें उनके पीछे लगी हुई हैं और वे अतीत के रहस्यों तथा वर्त्तमान की कुटिल चालों के बीच फँसे हुए हैं| ऐसे में, इसके पहले कि दुनिया अवर्णनीय आतंक की शिकार हो, क्या वे उस रहस्य को सुलझा पाएंगे|

1 year ago
#1 National Bestseller

#1 National Bestseller


Hindi version of Asura: Tale Of The Vanquished, available in paperback, is a novel which narrates the epic tale of Ramayana from Ravan's and Bhadra's point of view. This book has tried to break out of the monotony of narrating stories from the victor's perspective. The story is a combination of history, religion and mythology.This book tries to debunk the faults of the Deva clan, which is portrayed as orthodox and biased. It talks about the liberty the Asura community enjoyed. The story of Vamana and Mahabali is described, along with the Agni Pareeksha undergone by Sita and the meeting between Jataya and Ravana. The human emotions behind these tales are looked into in a different angle.There is an attempt to keep a new perspective in front of people in a logical manner, regarding the various practices from the epic tale. The book makes the readers think about the unreasonable practices followed by the Brahmins then. Apart from that, Asura: Tale Of The Vanquished: The Story Of Ravana And His People introduces questions about Ravana's lifestyle, choices and decisions.From Ravana's challenge to the Gods for his daughter, to setting people from the Deva clan free from evil, the book aims to make the readers think. Asura: Tale Of The Vanquished: The Story Of Ravana And His People (ISBN-10: 938157605X), the first edition, was published on 25th April, 2012. It's a detailed piece of work and has twists and turns every now and then, keeping the reader gripped.Key Features l This book was amongst the top names in the 2012 Crossword and also on CNN IBN's bestseller list. l The book is being translated into many languages like Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Italian.

1 year ago
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The Lost River - On The Trial Of SARASVATI

The Lost River - On The Trial Of SARASVATI

₹300 ₹450
33% off

The Lost River explores the geography, history, and mythology, of the Sarasvati river, drawing from various sources like folklore, the Vedas, archaeology, local practices, history, geology, and meteorology. The book explains that the river, its very existence, and its course have been discussed and speculated over for years. The magnificence of the Sarasvati has been detailed in scriptures like the Rig Veda. Historians and archaeologists could not understand how it mysteriously ceased to exist. Some of the even deem the river a myth.This book attempts the deduce facts from fable and makes a strong case for the existence of the river. It goes over the upheavals that the Indian subcontinent went through thousands of years ago, explaining the dry weather, erosion, and tectonic events that changed the terrain, altered river courses, and may have made the Sarasvati disappear. The book then chronicles explorations into the river started, which began around the early nineteenth century, when it was rediscovered by British officials doing topographic explorations.The book also explains the culture around that time, shedding light on the Indus valley civilisation and the rich and flourishing culture of Harappa. The book goes on the show the results of explorations into the river’s origins and course using modern technology like satellite imagery and isotope analysis. The author has also used his proof of the existence of the river to bolster his theory that Aryans were indigenous to India and not foreign invaders.The Lost River was published in 2010 by Penguin India and is available in paperback.Key Features: The book presents evidence for the existence and information about the course and demise of the Sarasvati from various fields of investigation. It contains an extensive appendix with further information and a vast number of footnotes.

1 year ago
Asura- Tale of the Vanquished

Asura- Tale of the Vanquished


The epic tale of victory and defeat…The story of the Ramayana had been told innumerable times. The enthralling story of Rama, the incarnation of God, who slew Ravana, the evil demon of darkness, is known to every Indian. And in the pages of history, as always, it is the version told by the victors that lives on. The voice of the vanquished remains lost in silence. But what if Ravana and his people had a different story to tell?The story of the Ravanayana has never been told. Asura is the epic tale of the vanquished Asura people, a story that has been cherished by the oppressed castes of India for 3000 years. Until now, no Asura has dared to tell the tale. But perhaps the time has come for the dead and the defeated to speak. “For thousands of years, I have been vilified and my death is celebrated year after year in every corner of India. Why? Was it because I challenged the Gods for the sake of my daughter? Was it because I freed a race from the yoke of caste-based Deva rule? You have heard the victor’s tale, the Ramayana. Now hear the Ravanayana, for I am Ravana, the Asura, and my story is the tale of the vanquished."“I am a non-entity – invisible, powerless and negligible. No epics will ever be written about me. I have suffered both Ravana and Rama – the hero and the villain or the villain and the hero. When the stories of great men are told, my voice maybe too feeble to be heard. Yet, spare me a moment and hear my story, for I am Bhadra, the Asura, and my life is the tale of the loser.”The ancient Asura empire lay shattered into many warring petty kingdoms reeling under the heel of the Devas. In desperation, the Asuras look up to a young saviour – Ravana. Believing that a better world awaits them under Ravana, common men like Bhadra decide to follow the young leader. With a will of iron and a fiery ambition to succeed, Ravana leads his people from victory to victory and carves out a vast empire from the Devas. But even when Ravana succeeds spectacularly, the poor Asuras find that nothing much has changed from t

1 year ago