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Clinical Cases in Obs Gyn

Clinical Cases in Obs Gyn


. Exhibits a concise approach while helping students to understand the importance of history taking, physical examination and arriving at clinical diagnosis of common obstetrics & gynaecology cases. . Describes clinical aspects, appropriate investigations and management in a concise manner for easy retention and reference during the clinical exam. . Dedicated section for history taking, case sheet writing, viva voce questions supported with photographs of clinical importance, specimens, instruments and USG images. . Includes procedures and examinations in a step-by-step manner along with surgery steps accompanied with color photographs and illustrations for better understanding and retention of concepts. . Key points and FAQ's at the end of each chapter to help in in-depth understanding of the subject. . Key facts/ information summarized in boxes and tables help in quick grasp and revision. . Includes lecture presentations on important topics such as Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Anaemia in Pregnancy, Prolonged labor etc., along with procedural videos on topics like Antenatal Examination, Papsmear to supplement learning. . Complementary ebook. . Updated and mapped content as per the latest clinical guidelines and competency-based curriculum. . Chapter on ethics, communication and informed consent, discharge summary and referral letter in sync with competency-based curriculum. . Expansion of sections including history and clinical examination, instruments and specimens - contraception and family planning, counselling, commonly used drugs, CTG, USG and viva voce questions; addition of cases on amniotic fluid disorder, medical termination of pregnancy, Urinary Tract Infection. . Addition of approximately 60 clinical photographs. . Self-directed learning included with relevant case scenarios at the end of every chapter.

1 hour ago