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Arihant 36 year neet physics

Arihant 36 year neet physics


1. 14 Years’ Solved Papers is collection of previous years solved papers of NEET 2. This book covers all CBSE AIPMT and NTA NEET papers 3. Chapterwise and Unitwise approach to analysis questions 4. Each question is well detailed answered to understand the concept as whole 5. Online access to CBSE AIPMT SOLVED PAPER (Screening + Mains) 2008 When preparing for an examination like NEET, the pattern and the question asked in the examination are always intriguing for aspirants. This is where Solved Papers play their major role in helping students to cope up with the attempting criteria of the exam. Presenting the “14 Years’ Solved Papers [2021 – 2008]” that has been designed with a structured approach as per the latest NEET Syllabus requirement. As the title of the book suggests, it contains ample previous year’s papers, which help to identify and self-analyze the preparation level for the exam. Enriched with problem solving tools, this book serves a one stop solution for all 3 subjects; Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Well detailed answers are given for all questions that provide deep conceptual understanding of the problems. This book can be treated as a sufficient tool for learning, active answering style and time management skills. TOC NEET Solved Paper 2021, NEET Solved Paper 2020 (Oct.), NEET Solved Paper 2020 (Sep.), NEET National Paper 2019, NEET Odisha Paper 2021, NEET Solved Paper 2018, NEET Solved Paper 2017, NEET Solved Paper 2016(Phase II), NEET Solved Paper 2016 (Phase - I), CBSE AIPMT 2015 (Cancelled - May), CBSE AIPMT 2015 (Latest - May), CBSE AIPMT 2015 (Latest - July), CBSE AIPMT Solved Paper 2014, NEET Solved Paper 2013, CBSE AIPMT 2012 (Screening + Mains), CBSE AIPMT 2011 (Screening + Mains), CBSE AIPMT 2010 (Screening + Mains).

5 months ago
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BSc Nursing pediatry Textbook paediatric nursing Child health nursing

BSc Nursing pediatry Textbook paediatric nursing Child health nursing


Unit I Modern Concepts of Child Care Chapter 1: Concepts of Child Care Chapter 2: Child Welfare Chapter 3: Differences Between Children and Adults Chapter 4: Care of Sick Child Chapter 5: Preventive Pediatrics Unit II The Healthy Child Chapter 6: Growth and Development Chapter 7: Needs of Normal Children Unit III Nursing Care of A Neonate Chapter 8: Care of A Normal Newborn Chapter 9: Care of Low Birth Weight Chapter 10: Common Neonatal Disorders Chapter 11: Planning and Organization of Neonatal Unit Unit IV Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness Chapter 12: Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness Unit V Nursing Management in Common Childhood Diseases Chapter 13: Nutritional Deficiency Disorders Chapter 14: Disorders of Respiratory System Chapter 15: Disorders of Gastrointestinal System Chapter 16: Disorders of Cardiovascular System Chapter 17: Disorders of Hematological System Chapter 18: Disorders of Genitourinary System Chapter 19: Disorders of Neurological System Chapter 20: Disorders of Endocrine System Chapter 21: Disorders of Musculoskeletal System Chapter 22: Disorders of Skin, Eyes and Ears Chapter 23: Common Communicable Diseases Chapter 24: Pediatric Emergencies Chapter 25: HIV/AIDS in Children Chapter 26: Management of Common Behavior Disorders Chapter 27: Management of Common Psychiatric Problems Chapter 28: Management of Challenged Children Chapter 29: Welfare Services for Handicapped Children Chapter 30: Child Health Nursing Procedures Appendices Appendix I: Sample Question Papers Appendix II: Calculation of Fluid Requirement for Children Appendix III: Formulas for Calculation of Various Tube Sizes Index

4 months ago