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World History Change makers
Our understanding of world history is changing, as new discoveries are made on all the continents and old prejudices are being challenged. In this truly global journey Andrew Marr revisits some of the traditional epic stories, from classical Greece and Rome to the rise of Napoleon, but surrounds them with less familiar material, from Peru to the Ukraine, China to the Caribbean. He looks at cultures that have failed and vanished, as well as the origins of today’s superpowers, and finds surprising echoes and parallels across vast distances and epochs. This is a book about the great change-makers of history and their times, people such as Cleopatra, Genghis Khan, Galileo and Mao, but it is also a book about us. For ‘the better we understand how rulers lose touch with reality, or why revolutions produce dictators more often than they produce happiness, or why some parts of the world are richer than others, the easier it is to understand our own times.’ Fresh, exciting and vividly readable, this is popular history at its very best.
Anne Frank
Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, Anne Frank's remarkable diary has since become a world classic—a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the human spirit.In 1942, with Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, they and another family lived cloistered in the "Secret Annexe" of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death.In her diary Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period. By turns thoughtful, moving, and amusing, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.
Mastering Modern World History
This book covers the major topics of modern world history in a clear and concise style. After a general introduction, themes are developed in more detail, with headings, key words, and phrases underlined. With its easy to follow cross-referencing and helpful problem-solving approach, this text is the ideal introduction to higher level study of modern world history.
Wicked Women of the Raj
Le prime europee a mettere piede in India furono le portoghesi, seguendo la rotta aperta da Alfonso di Alburquerque nel 1510. Più tardi la Compagnia delle Indie Orientali seguì l'esempio dei portoghesi, trasportando dall'Inghilterra donne in età da marito per i mercanti britannici che fino a quel momento avevano trovato sollievo tra le braccia di indiane di bassa casta. La reputazione dell'India come un ricco mercato matrimoniale per donne europee continuò fino alla fine del Raj britannico, nel 1947. Ma chi erano queste donne che andarono contro le convenzioni sociali del loro tempo? Romantiche cenerentole spinte dal desiderio di vivere la loro favola personale insieme con un bellissimo principe? E dopo il matrimonio, vissero felici per sempre?
Historical Book
'When the house of history is on fire, journalists are often the first-responders, pulling victims away from the flames. Deep Halder is one of them.' - Amitava Kumar In 1978, around 1.5 lakh Hindu refugees, mostly belonging to the lower castes, settled in Marichjhapi an island in the Sundarbans, in West Bengal. By May 1979, the island was cleared of all refugees by Jyoti Basu's Left Front government. Most of the refugees were sent back to the central India camps they came from, but there were many deaths: of diseases, malnutrition resulting from an economic blockade, as well as from violence unleashed by the police on the orders of the government. Some of the refugees who survived Marichjhapi say the number of those who lost their lives could be as high as 10,000, while the-then government officials maintain that there were less than ten victims. How does an entire island population disappear? How does one unearth the truth and the details of one of the worst atrocities of post-Independent India? Journalist Deep Halder reconstructs the buried history of the 1979 massacres through his interviews with survivors, erstwhile reporters, government officials and activists with a rare combination of courage, conscientiousness and empathy.
Advent of the Europeans in India and the British consolidation of power in India besides incorporating additional information under several chapters. There are also chapters on the challenges that a newly independent nation faced in the wake of a brutal partition. The Nehruvian era is also briefly discussed. A survey of personalities associated with various movements, peasant and tribal movements, tables and charts are also given for quick reference.
India's Ancient Past by RS Sharma
R.S. Sharma, one of the best-known historians of early India, provides a comprehensive yet accessible text on the ancient period of Indian history. Beginning with topics such as historiography and the importance of Ancient Indian history, he goes on to cover the geographical, econological and linguistic settings, before looking at specific cultures of neolithic, chalcolithic types, the Harappan civilization, the Vedic period, the rise of Jainism and Buddhism, Magadha and the beginning of territorial states, the age of the Mauryas, Satavahanas, Guptas, and Harshavardhana. While taking the reader on this journey through time, he highlights important phenomena such as the beginning of urbanization and monarchy in India, invasions, the Varna system, commerce and trade, developments in philosophy and cultural efflorescence. He ends this insightful volume with a comments on the transition from the Ancient to the Medieval.This book also addresses a number of issues which have become current in discussion on Ancient Inida today, such as the Identity of the Aryan Culture, and Historical Construction. This is a volume meant for all those who want a masterly, lucid, yet eminently readable introduction to and overview on India's early history by one of the master-scholars of Indian history - be it students, tourists, or the interested lay reader
Revolutionaries and bravehearts book
History is often narrated as sagas of kings and queens, legends of battles and wars, or chronicles of art and architecture. But history is more than that. It is the story of ordinary people; their food and language, their thoughts and beliefs, their livelihood and culture. Tales of sweepers and sculptors, robbers and merchants, sailors and saint-why, even pirates!In this book, Mallika Ravikumar pens eight historical stories that help you look upon the past, as less of a dry-as-bone set of facts, and more of a dynamic shift that shapes our present. Told through the lens of class and conflict, symbols and language, creativity and enterprise and power and perspective, these stories help younger readers see why history is relevant and meaningful.
The Complete Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles) Hardcover
Hardcover collector’s editions of all 7 volumes of the Earth Chronicles Series in a display slipcase • Includes The 12th Planet, The Stairway to Heaven, The Wars of Gods and Men, The Lost Realms, When Time Began, The Cosmic Code, and The End of Days • The culmination of Sitchin’s 30 years of intensive research offering indisputable documentary proof of humanity’s extraterrestrial forefathers The Earth Chronicles series, with millions of copies sold worldwide, represents the culmination of Zecharia Sitchin’s 30 years of intensive research into the history and prehistory of Earth and humankind as recorded by the ancient civilizations of the Near East. Within these volumes, Sitchin--one of the few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets--presents indisputable millennia-old proof of humanity’s extraterrestrial forefathers, the Anunnaki, who visited Earth every 3,600 years from their home planet Nibiru. This boxed set of hardcover collector’s editions with enhanced maps and diagrams includes all 7 volumes of the Earth Chronicles series: The 12th Planet, The Stairway to Heaven, The Wars of Gods and Men, The Lost Realms, When Time Began, The Cosmic Code, and The End of Days.
This is the first major study to examine every one of the varied strands of the epic struggle individually and collectively and present it in a new and coherent narrative and analytical framework. Basing themselves on oral and other primary sources and years of research, the authors take the reader through every step of the independence struggle from the abortive Revolt of 1857 to the final victory of 1947. More important while incorporating existing historiographical advances, the book evolves a new and lucid view of the history of the period which will endure.
He was once the King of Good Times - known for his opulent lifestyle, calendar shoots with bikini-clad models, high stakes in an IPL team, and an airline that was the last word in luxury. But the global downturn in aviation and the rising fuel prices worsened Kingfisher's financial ill health. The several thousands of crores loaned to it by a consortium of banks proved insufficient to arrest the slide in its fortunes. By early 2013, the high-flying airline shut shop and closed the doors on disgruntled employees and investors - none of which, though, made any dent in Mallya's own lifestyle as he had pilfered cash from the company and stashed it abroad. Facing charges of money laundering, misappropriation and being a wilful defaulter, Mallya left the country in 2016 for his country estate near London. The Mallya Story is the tale of how the king lost his cheer and high spirits, to be remembered for one of the biggest corporate collapses of our time.
Bachelor of arts or master of art
Born a slave in 1818 on a plantation in Maryland, Douglass taught himself to read and write. In 1845, seven years after escaping to the North, he published Narrative, the first of three autobiographies. This book calmly but dramatically recounts the horrors and the accomplishments of his early years—the daily, casual brutality of the white masters; his painful efforts to educate himself; his decision to find freedom or die; and his harrowing but successful escape.An astonishing orator and a skillful writer, Douglass became a newspaper editor, a political activist, and an eloquent spokesperson for the civil rights of African Americans. He lived through the Civil War, the end of slavery, and the beginning of segregation. He was celebrated internationally as the leading black intellectual of his day, and his story still resonates in ours.
Arihant-UP From Slavery(Unabridged Edition) Class-11
About the Book: Up from Slavery andlsquo;Up From Slaveryandrsquo; is the 1901 autobiography penned by Booker T. Washington detailing his personal experiences to rise from the position of a slave child during theandnbsp;Civil War, to the difficulties and obstacles he overcame to get an education at the newandnbsp;Hampton University. This novel has been adopted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) under the Class XI English Curriculum. This book presents an unabridged edition of the novel divided into 17 chapters. At the end of 17 chapters the Question Digest section containing questions which may be asked in Class XI examination has been provided. The book also covers authorandrsquo;s biography in the beginning along with dramatis personae. Also a short summary about the novel has been provided in the beginning and also the novel crux has been covered. As the novel has been presented in the unabridged edition along with number of questions which can be asked in the Class XI examination, it for sure will help the students study the novel in the best possible manner and help them score good grades in the upcoming Class XI examination. Content Preface About the Author Dramatis Personae About the Novel Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Questions Digest About the Author: Booker T Washington An editorial team of highly skilled professionals at Arihant, works hand in glove to ensure that the students receive the best and accurate content through our books. From inception till the book comes out from print, the whole team comprising of authors, editors, proofreaders and various other involved in shaping the book put in their best efforts, knowledge and experience to produce the rigorous content the students receive. Keeping in mind the specific requirements of the students and various examinations, the carefully design