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Main mann hun
•Do you really know who I am?•Do you know that the brain and I are two separate entities?•Do you know that 24/7 your life is governed by me, me and me alone?•Do you know that once you master me, you will be able to exactly know what is going on in another’s mind, and why they are doing what they are?If you had known this, then why would you and everyone else have had to toil round the clock to achieve joy and success?Although human intelligence has evolved with every passing epoch, still the struggle to survive and achieve success continues to be the same. According to the author of ‘I am the Mind’, Mr. Deep Trivedi, a pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics and a renowned author and speaker, every human being is destined to achieve ‘Joy and Success’, but they inevitably fail to achieve the same. Their ignorance or lack of awareness of the functioning of the mind or the psychology behind it, leads them to falter and commit mistakes or blunders at times, which proves detrimental to their lives. So what is the remedy? Only one; ‘Understand your Mind’, says author of the book, ‘I am the Mind’, Mr. Deep Trivedi.Through this book, Deep Trivedi delves deeper into the unexplored territory of the psychology of the mind, and provides you with not just the answers pertaining to all the facets of life – family, business, career, etc. but also the wisdom to lead your day-to-day life. Mr. Deep states that once you become the master of your mind, you will gain acute insight into others’ minds and thus will be able to know the frame of mind they are in and know exactly what thoughts propels them to do what they are doing, or the reason why they are doing, whatever they are doing. Such simple yet profound understanding will give you an edge over others in this competitive world, as this is the vital key to success. To make the book a much more interesting read, Mr. Deep Trivedi has interspersed the psychological content with 23 contextual short stories and anecdotes, which makes reading an enjoyable experience for all age groups.The
Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill (Classic Edition)
Ao revelar o segredo do seu sucesso ao jornalista Napoleon Hill, o multimilionário Andrew Carnegie serviu de inspiração a um dos maiores best sellers de todos os tempos. Pense e Fique Rico reúne os segredos de alguns dos homens mais influentes do século XX, como Henry Ford, Jonh D. Rockefeller ou George Eastman, o fundador da Kodak. A formula mágica que os conduziu ao sucesso encontra-se nos 15 capítulos de Pense e Fique Rico, um livro prático que transformou a vida de milhares de pessoas.Conheça os três princípios básicos de Napoleon Hill:> Qualquer sucesso começa com uma ideia> Qualquer pensamento exige acção> pense positivo e obterá resultados positivos
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
Bring meaning and joy to all your days with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai.According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai – a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa – the world’s longest-living people – finding it is the key to a happier and longer life.Inspiring and soothing, this book will bring you closer to these centenarians’ secrets: how they leave urgency behind; keep doing what they love for as long as possible; nurture friendships; live in the moment; participate in their communities and throw themselves into their passions. And it provides practical tools to help you discover your own personal ikigai. Because who doesn’t want to find the joy in every day?
Love Guru by MK Mazumdar
In our daily life, we have to face the request of one kind or other. We love to help others and it is a good habit as well. But then, we do not have time to fulfill our own needs. Thus, frustration starts cropping up in our mind. For most people, it is different to say 'No' to others. We know that if we say 'No' at the right time, we can escape many problems of life. In this book, some methods have been given to say 'No.' That way, we can make our life happy and save the time and efforts of other people. This book would be 'ideal' for the youth, housewives, executives and elders.
Imagine if by ken robinson
An urgent manifesto for re-defining human potential in our turbulent times, from the bestselling author of The Element 'As we face an increasingly febrile future, the answer is not to do better what we've done before. We have to do something else . . . We must urgently re-imagine education and schools' Imagination and creativity are at the root of every uniquely human achievement and those achievements have brought us to this present moment. As we reckon with the extractive practices that have depleted our natural resources and threaten our survival as a species, Sir Ken Robinson argues that we must also find a better way of cultivating human potential in order to navigate our uncertain future. This incisive book distills the thought and expertise that underpinned Sir Ken's influential work as educator, speaker and adviser; grounded in his unwavering belief in the indispensable value of human potential. Imagine If . . . reframes the ongoing debate in a compelling new way, bringing fresh inspiration and much-needed clarity, and sets out the blueprint for creating new systems of education that are based on diversity, creativity and collaboration.
Mindset by dr carol s. dweck
Now updated with new research — the book that has changed millions of lives.After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset — those who believe that abilities are fixed — are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset — those who believe that abilities can be developed. Mindset reveals how great parents, teachers, managers, and athletes can put this idea to use to foster outstanding accomplishment.In this edition, Dweck offers new insights into her now famous and broadly embraced concept. She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset. She also expands the mindset concept beyond the individual, applying it to the cultures of groups and organizations. With the right mindset, you can motivate those you lead, teach, and love — to transform their lives and your own.
The Art Of Public Speaking
"Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (November 24, 1888 - November 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Born in poverty, Carnegie was the author of 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', first published in 1936, a massive bestseller that remains popular even today. He also wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln, titled 'Lincoln the Unknown', as well as several other books.Carnegie was an early proponent of what is now called responsibility assumption, although this only appears minutely in his written work. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to k change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them."
Exam Warriors
Exam Warriors by Narendra Modi is an inspiring book for the youth. Written in a fun and interactive style, with illustrations, activities and yoga exercises, this book will be a friend not only in acing exams but also in facing life.Non-preachy, practical and thought-provoking, Exam Warriors is a handy guide for students in India and across the world.
Make your Bed
Struggling to find structure? Finding yourself lacking motivation?Start by making your bed.Maintaining routine and structure is more important than ever in the age of home working, flexi-time and the general chaos of life.In Make Your Bed, Admiral William H. McRaven shares 10 life lessons he learned during his Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his long Naval career, but also throughout his life.He will teach you how to . . .· Master the essential daily habits for staying grounded· Learn how to keep your mind calm and ready for the day ahead· Find solace and companionship in the people around you· Cope with setbacks and keep moving forward· Stray beyond your comfort zone and take risksWritten with great humility and optimism, this timeless book provides simple and universal wisdom, practical advice, and words of encouragement that will inspire every reader.
How to stop worrying and start living
The book 'How to stop worrying & start living' suggest many ways to conquer worry and lead a wonderful life.The book mentions fundamental facts to know about worry and magic formula for solving worry-some situations.Psychologists & Doctors' view:Worry can make even the most stolid person ill.Worry may cause nervous breakdown.Worry can even cause tooth decayWorry is one of the factors for High Blood Pressure.Worry makes you tense and nervous and affect the nerves of your stomach.The book suggests basic techniques in analysing worry, step by step, in order to cope up with them.A very interesting feature of the book is 'How to eliminate 50% of your business worries'.The book offers 7 ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness. Also, the golden rule for conquering worry, keeping your energy & spirits high.The book consists of some True Stories which will help the readers in conquering worry to lead you to success in life.The book is full of similar incidences and narrations which will make our readers to understand the situation in an easy way and lead a happy life. A must read book for everyone.
Find a fulfilling career that tackles the world's most pressing problems, using this guide based on over ten years of research alongside academics at Oxford.You have about 80,000 hours in your 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for 40 years. This means your choice of career is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.Make the right choices, and you can help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, as well as have a more rewarding, interesting life.For such an important decision, however, there’s surprisingly little good advice out there. Most career advice focuses on things like how to write a CV, and much of the rest is just (misleading) platitudes like “follow your passion”. Most people we speak to don’t even use career advice – they just speak to friends and try to figure it out for themselves.When it comes to helping others with your career the advice usually assumes you need to work as a teacher, doctor, charity worker, and so on, even though these paths might not be a good fit for you, and were not what the highest-impact people in history did.This guide is based on over ten years of research conducted alongside academics at the University of Oxford. It aims to help you find a career you enjoy, you’re good at, and that tackles the world’s most pressing problems.It covers topics 1. What makes for a dream job, and why “follow your passion” can be misleading. 2. Why the most effective ways to make a difference aren’t always the obvious ones like working at a charity, or becoming a doctor. 3. How to compare global problems, like climate change and poverty, in terms of their scale and urgency. 4. How to discover and develop your strengths.It’s also full of practical tips and tools. You’ll come away with a plan to use your 80,000 hours in a way that’s fulfilling and high impact.What people are saying“A ridiculously in-depth guide about how to find that perfect career for you”- Ali Abdaal, YouTuber, ex-doctor, and productivity entrepreneur."This career guide is among the most thoughtful and gro
Think Straight
The universe has bestowed limitless powers and infinite siddhis on the human consciousness. Along with being effective and successful in the personal and professional spheres, the purpose of human life is also to ensure the complete blossoming of the individual consciousness. In Celebrating Life, Rishi Nityapragya shares the secrets that can help you explore your infinite potential. He offers an in-depth understanding of how to identify and be free from negative emotions and harmful tendencies, and how to learn to invoke life's beautiful flavours-like enthusiasm, love, compassion and truth-whenever and wherever you want. Celebrating Life is an intensely honest expedition that teaches you how you can be a master of your circumstances and make your life a celebration.