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Snow flakes over moon cottage - a winter love story

Snow flakes over moon cottage - a winter love story


It's Christmas-time in the little Yorkshire village of Welford, and the first snowflakes are just starting to fall. As far as Susan Collins is concerned, this Christmas is all about quality time with her family, especially her son Jack. After a string of terrible dates, she's given up on love. And with the class of schoolchildren she teaches making regular trips to local animal rescue centre Hope Meadows, Susan's certainly got plenty to keep her busy. That is, until she meets handsome children's author Douglas Macleod. He might be the opposite of Susan's usual type with his dishevelled appearance and bright red hair, but an undeniable spark soon lights up between them. But then Michael Chalk, Susan's ex and Jack's father, turns up on the scene wanting Jack (and Susan back) - and Susan finds herself torn between the two men. With snow settling on the ground and the big day fast approaching, who will Susan and Jack be choosing to spend Christmas at Moon Cottage with this year? Hope Meadows is based on the globally bestselling Animal Ark series. Perfect for fans of Katie Fforde, Heidi Swain and Cathy Bramley. *** **Praise for the Hope Meadows series** 'Incredibly lovely' - Rachel's Random Reads'A stunning, emotional, beautiful tale of friendship and love' Books of All Kinds'Just the right amount of nostalgia... wonderful and very poignant' - The World is a Book Blog'Heartwarming and endearing... a gorgeous story filled with hope, joy, sweetness and light combined with the honesty of real life' - Amazon Reviewer'Full of friendship, community spirit and some heart-breaking moments that will leave you wanting to stay curled up on the sofa until it is complete' - Amazon Reviewer'Will leave you feeling cosy and uplifted' - Goodreads'An adorable read [with] a real sense of village community' Bookworms and Shutterbugs'Full of charm' Amazon Reviewer

9 months ago


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Like the one-time bestseller Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Alchemist presents a simple fable, based on simple truths and places it in a highly unique situation. And though we may sniff a bestselling formula, it is certainly not a new one: even the ancient tribal storytellers knew that this is the most successful method of entertaining an audience while slipping in a lesson or two. Brazilian storyteller Paulo Coehlo introduces Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who one night dreams of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. And so he's off: leaving Spain to literally follow his dream. Along the way he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms such as a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. In one of the Englishman's books, Santiago first learns about the alchemists--men who believed that if a metal were heated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, and what was left would be the "Soul of the World." Of course he does eventually meet an alchemist, and the ensuing student-teacher relationship clarifies much of the boy's misguided agenda, while also emboldening him to stay true to his dreams. "My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy confides to the alchemist one night as they look up at a moonless night. "Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself," the alchemist replies. "And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity." --Gail Hudson

9 months ago
The elephant chasers daughter by Shilpa raj

The elephant chasers daughter by Shilpa raj


Saved by her grandmother from being killed at birth for having been born a female, Shilpa’s life took many unexpected turns and twists through her early years. She faced abandonment by her mother, the formidable constraints placed on her by her family, and the barbs of village elders bound by hundreds of years of oppressive practices and customs that subjugate women. Shilpa is torn between the contrasting lives she leads: one of servitude and injustice experienced by her family; the other of opportunity and empowerment offered by a good education in a school started by a philanthropist.Just when all seems settled, an unforeseen death under mysterious circumstances shatters whatever stability remains in her life. Pulled in opposite directions, and torn between despair and dreams, Shilpa finally makes a choice for her future. Is she strong enough to stand up to the people she loves, and pursue what she wants?At its heart The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter is about hope, when all seems lost. Written with raw honesty and grit, this is a deeply moving memoir of a young girl confronting her ‘untouchable’ status in a caste-based society, and her aspirations for modernity.Reviews so far: Kirkus Review: Shilpa was given the chance to transcend her family history and perhaps her own karma. A deft portrayal of a young woman’s growth and courageous transformation through education.Sir Ken Robinson:Shilpa Raj is a powerful new voice for human dignity and opportunity and against the appalling and demeaning mistreatment of women worldwide. An important and deeply affecting book narrated in a moving and intimate style.Sir Ken Robinson, Author and EducatorSri Vishwanath:The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter unveils the secret of transcendence. Shilpa Raj is the future voice for the poor and deprived, uncovering the diamond in the rubble. Read her.well-known authorVanessa Roth:Shilpa’s story speaks for millions of families in a way that is immediate, intimate and personal. Her book will have a powerful impact on the lives and minds of young

9 months ago
Didda(Kashmir ki yoddha rani) in hindi

Didda(Kashmir ki yoddha rani) in hindi


यह कहानी इतिहास के मलबे में करीब 1200 सालों से दबी हुई थी। यह एक ऐसी कहानी है, जिसमें वीरता, पराक्रम, त्याग जैसे शब्द एक ऐसी स्त्री के साथ जुड़े हुए हैं, जिसने अपनी शारीरिक अपंगता को धता बताकर मध्यकालीन विश्व में इतिहास में सबसे लंबे समय तक राज किया, को महान् रानी के रूप में याद किया जाता है। यह कहानी है कश्मीर की योद्धा रानी 'दिद्दा' की, जिन्होंने अपने कार्यकाल के दौरान कश्मीर को ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँचाया और मध्यकालीन एशिया का सबसे सशक्त राज्य बनाकर स्थापित किया। भगवान् ने दिद्दा को अलौकिक दिव्य शक्तियाँ प्रदान की थीं, वे बहुत बुद्धिमान थीं और एक असाधारण वक्ता भी। दिद्दा ने न सिर्फ अपनी विकलांगता पर विजय पाई, बल्कि अपने बिखरते साम्राज्य को एकजुट करके भी रखा। अपने 79 वर्ष के जीवनकाल में दिद्दा एक ऐसे व्यक्तित्व के रूप में निखरकर आईं, जिनके नाममात्र से ही दुश्मन काँपने लगते थे। दिद्दा कोई साधारण महिला नहीं थीं, पर इस बात में कोई शक नहीं कि उनका पूरा जीवनकाल असाधारणता की मिसाल रहा। 'दिद्दा' एक नाम भर नहीं है, बल्कि यह पर्याय है भारतीय नारी की अस्मिता का, गौरव का, संघर्ष का, त्याग का, पराक्रम का। 'दिद्दा' एक प्रेरणापुंज है जिससे हमारी आज की मातृशक्ति का भविष्य प्रकाशमान होगा।

9 months ago
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garca Mrquez

Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garca Mrquez


Dos historias hay en este libro. Una de ellas, apenas esbozada, es la de un amor secreto que culmina en la muerte elegida por un hombre que ha querido ponerse a salvo "de los tormentos de la memoria."La otra historia es la de un amor que hace de esos tormentos su alimento. Un amor acechado por los enemigos: el deterioro fisico, la vejez, la muerte, pero que es capaz, no solo de resistirlos, sino tambien de transformarlos en el impetu del deseo. Una muchacha de dieciocho años rechaza al hombre de quien ha estado enamorada y con quien le han impedido unirse.Mas de cincuenta años despues, cuando ha muerto otro hombre con quien se ha casado para vivir un lapso de sucedaneos desdeñables, se reune con aquel primer amor suyo a bordo de un barco que se llama Nueva Fidelidad.La exacerbacion del deseo se alia a la muerte y a la enfermedad porque se les parece: "Los sintomas del amor son los mismos del colera."En este relato infinitamente seductor, Gabriel Garcia Marquez narra la obsesion del deseo con un arrebato que lo aparta de sus grandes novelas anteriores y a la vez lo acerca a ellas.A la circularidad del tiempo en Macondo, al enclaustramiento del tirano aislado en su poder demencial, sucede ahora la vigencia imbatible del deseo ahincado en si mismo. Un deseo que avanza hacia su origen en un movimiento que no cesa. Como el movimiento del barco Nueva Fidelidad, que seguira yendo y viniendo "toda la vida". Son las palabras que cierran, reanudandola, esta historia de amor.

9 months ago