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Artificial intelligence Book
For one or two-semester, undergraduate or graduate-level courses in Artificial Intelligence. The long-anticipated revision of this best-selling text offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence. *NEW-Nontechnical learning material-Accompanies each part of the book. *NEW-The Internet as a sample application for intelligent systems-Added in several places including logical agents, planning, and natural language. *NEW-Increased coverage of material - Includes expanded coverage of: default reasoning and truth maintenance systems, including multi-agent/distributed AI and game theory; probabilistic approaches to learning including EM; more detailed descriptions of probabilistic inference algorithms. *NEW-Updated and expanded exercises-75% of the exercises are revised, with 100 new exercises. *NEW-On-line Java software. *Makes it easy for students to do projects on the web using intelligent agents. *A unified, agent-based approach to AI-Organizes the material around the task of building intelligent agents. *Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage-Includes a unified view of the field organized around the rational decision making pa
ICSE computer science for class 11
Written in Accordance with CBSE Syllabus for Board Examination to be Held in 2009 and 2010 This textbook is a sequel to the Textbook of Computer Science for Class XI. It is written in a simple, direct style for maximum clarity. It comprehensively covers the Class XII CBSE syllabus of Computer Science (subject code 083). The goal of the book is to develop the student’s proficiency in fundamentals and make the learning process creative, engrossing and interesting. There are practice exercises and questions throughout the text, designed on the pattern of sample question papers published by CBSE. The approach of this book is to teach the students through extensive “skill and drill” type exercises in order to make them high-ranking achievers in the Board examinations. KEY FEATURES Provides accurate and balanced coverage of topics as prescribed in the CBSE syllabus code 083. Builds a solid programming foundation in C++. Students can prepare a Practical File with solved programming examples given in the text. End-of-chapter questions help teachers prepare assignments for self-practice by the students. End-of-chapter Programming Exercises help students in preparing for the Board practical examination. Solved questions at the end of each chapter prepare students for the Board theory examination. For further guidance on how to use this book effectively, e-mail the author using
Computer Science Textbook Designed for Joyful Learning KEY FEATURES ? National Education Policy 2020 ? QR Code: Scan the QR Code given on each chapter to start chapter animation. ? Fun Fact!: This presents a fact about the topic. ? Computer Ethics: This section describes the best computer practices to develop conscious thinking. ? Group Task: This section focuses on peer learning to improve coordination. ? Soft Hint: This section provides technology specific knowledge to students, keeping them up to date. ? Digital Resources DESCRIPTION Touchpad Prime (Version 2.1) is based on Windows 10 and MS Office 2016. The books have been designed in such a way that teachers can use them as tools to integrate computer science with other subjects and skills. The chapters introduce the concepts in a simple and easy to understand language that helps the students to learn the concepts easily. The content has been developed using a conversational style for the young generation to make it an interesting read. There are three characters found in the chapters discussing various topics to make the learning process more interactive for the student. In order to emphasize on the use of concepts in this book, "Mind Drill" has been added to challenge students and encourage learning. Mind drill contains different sections to engage the students in meaningful learning process, such as Rapid Fire, Evaluation Time, Activity Time, Hands-On, Find Out, Group Task and In the Lab. This book also incorporates elements like Warm Up, Fun Fact, Soft Hint, Word Bank, Lets Revisit, Computer Ethics as important tools to enhance teaching-learning process. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN You will learn about: ? Fundamentals of computers ? ICT Tools ? Computational Thinking ? Animate CC ? Problem Solving ? Programming Languages ? Small Basic ? PowerPoint Advanced WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR Grade - 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Fundamentals of Computer 2. Advanced Windows 3. Advanced Features of PowerPoint 2016 4. More on Excel 5. Formulas & Functions in Excel 6. Introduction to An
CBSC coding book class 7
Coding Textbook as per CBSE Curriculum KEY FEATURES ● National Education Policy 2020 ● Coding Task: This section allow students to familiarise with the concept with the help of the task. ● Coding Buzz Words: This section contains definitions of important words related to coding, in alphabetical order. ● More on Python: This section contains supplement topics for add-on knowledge. ● Gamification: Activity designed to educate, entertain and engage students. ● Coding in Minecraft: It helps the students to make the coding task in Minecraft MakeCode. DESCRIPTION TouchCode, a series for grades 1–8, is a specially designed book to develop Computational Thinking skills and move towards making codes. TouchCode books for Grades 1–5 have activities based on various skills that amplifies the CT skills and build a strong foundation for middle school. TouchCode books for Grades 6–8 take a step ahead and let the child enter the world of codes using blockbased coding. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN You will learn about: ● Reasoning ● Critical Thinking & Analysis ● Data Processing ● Algorithmic Intelligence ● Computational Thinking ● MakeCode Arcade ● Block Coding WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR Grade - 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 VARIABLES IN REAL LIFE CHAPTER 2 SEQUENCING WITH BLOCK CODING Coding in Minecraft Test Sheet 1 CHAPTER 3 FUN WITH FUNCTIONS Coding in Minecraft CHAPTER 4 UNDERSTANDING ARRAYS & COLLECTIONS Coding in Minecraft CHAPTER 5 HELLO WORLD WITH CODE Coding in Minecraft Test Sheet 2 Project Gamification More on Python Coding Buzz Words Coding Ethics
Information technology
In this revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him, Mary L. Trump, a trained clinical psychologist and Donald’s only niece, shines a bright light on the dark history of their family in order to explain how her uncle became the man who now threatens the world’s health, economic security, and social fabric. Mary Trump spent much of her childhood in her grandparents’ large, imposing house in the heart of Queens, New York, where Donald and his four siblings grew up. She describes a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse. She explains how specific events and general family patterns created the damaged man who currently occupies the Oval Office, including the strange and harmful relationship between Fred Trump and his two oldest sons, Fred Jr. and Donald. A firsthand witness to countless holiday meals and interactions, Mary brings an incisive wit and unexpected humor to sometimes grim, often confounding family events. She recounts in unsparing detail everything from her uncle Donald’s place in the family spotlight and Ivana’s penchant for regifting to her grandmother’s frequent injuries and illnesses and the appalling way Donald, Fred Trump’s favorite son, dismissed and derided him when he began to succumb to Alzheimer’s. Numerous pundits, armchair psychologists, and journalists have sought to parse Donald J. Trump’s lethal flaws. Mary L. Trump has the education, insight, and intimate familiarity needed to reveal what makes Donald, and the rest of her clan, tick. She alone can recount this fascinating, unnerving saga, not just because of her insider’s perspective but also because she is the only Trump willing to tell the truth about one of the world’s most powerful and dysfunctional families.
VB Programmers: Get in Step with .NET With the introduction of Visual Basic .NET, VB transcends its traditional second-class status to become a full-fledged citizen of the object-oriented programming, letting you access the full power of the Windows platform for the first time. Written bythe author of the best-selling Mastering Visual Basic 6 this all-new edition is the resource you need to make a successful transition to .NET. Comprising in-depth explanations, practical examples, and handy reference information, its coverage includes: Mastering the new Windows Forms Designer and controls Building dynamic forms Using powerful Framework classes such as ArrayLists and HashTables Persisting objects to disk files Handling graphics and printing Achieving robustness via structured exception handling and debugging Developing your own classes and extending existing ones via inheritance Building custom Windows controls Building menus and list controls with custom-drawn items Using ADO.NET to build disconnected, distributed applications Using SQL queries and stored procedures with ADO.NET Facilitating database programming with the visual database tools Building web applications with ASP.NET and the rich web controls Designing web applications to access databases Using the DataGrid and DataList web controls Building XML web services to use with Windows and web applications Special topics like the Multiple Document Interface and powerful recursive programming techniques Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Not a reference book, and not a tutorial either, the new second edition of the highly regarded Access Cookbook is an uncommonly useful collection of solutions to problems that Access users and developers are likely to face as they attempt to build increasingly complex applications. Although using any single "recipe" in the book will more than pay back the cost of the book in terms of both hours saved and frustration thwarted, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is much more than a handy assortment of cut-and-paste code. Each of the "recipes" examine a particular problem--problems that commonly occur when you push the upper limits of Access, or ones that are likely to trip up a developer attempting to design a more elegant Access application--even some things you never knew Access could do. The authors then, in a clear, accessible, step-by-step style, present the problems' solution. Following each "recipe" are insights on how Access works, potential pitfalls, interesting programming techniques that are used in the solution, and how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to other similar situations. Fully updated for Access 2003, Access Cookbook, Second Edition is also one of the first books to thoroughly explore new support for .NET managed code and XML. All of the practical, real-world examples have been tested for compatibility with Access 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. This updated new edition also covers Access and SharePoint, Access and SmartTags, Access and .NET; and Access and XML. Access power users and programmers at all levels, from the relatively inexperienced to the most sophisticated, will rely on the Access Cookbook for quick solutions to gnarly problems. With a dog-eared copy of Access Cookbook at your side, you can spend your time and energy where it matters most: working on the interesting facets of your Access application, not just the time-consuming ones.
Buy old books for class 9
Touchpad AI series has some salient features such as AI Game, AI Lab. KEY FEATURES (5-7 points)(each point should be 70 characters with space)(to be filled by author) ● National Education Policy 2020 ● AI Game: It contains an interesting game or activity for the students. ● AI Lab: It contains questions to improve practical skills. ● Brainy Fact: It is an interesting fact relevant to the topic. ● AI Glossary: This section contains definition of important AI terms. ● Digital Solutions DESCRIPTION Touchpad Artificial Intelligence series has some salient features such as AI Reboot, AI Deep Thinking, AI in Life, AI Lab and AI Ready which ensures that NEP 2020 guidelines are followed. The series is written keeping in mind about the future and scope that lies in Artificial Intelligence. The knowledge is spread in a phased manner so that at no age the kid finds it difficult to understand the theory. There are some brainstorming activities in the form of AI Task in between the topics to ensure that students give pause to their learning and use their skills to reach to some creative ideas in solving given problems. Every chapter has competency based questions as guided by CBSE to ensure that students are capable of applying their learning to solve some real-life challenges. There are plenty of Video Sessions for students and teachers to go beyond the syllabus and enrich their knowledge. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN You will learn about: ● Communication skills ● Management skills ● Fundamentals of computers ● ICT Tools ● Entrepreneurship ● Green Skills ● Introduction to AI ● Neural Networks ● AI Project Cycle ● Introduction to Python WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR Grade - 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Part A Employability Skills a. Unit-1 Communication Skills-I b. Unit-2 Self-Management Skills-I c. Unit-3 ICT Skills-I d. Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Skills-I e. Unit-5 Green Skills-I 2. Part B Subject Specific Skills a. Unit-1 Introduction to AI b. Unit-2 AI Project Cycle c. Unit-3 Neural Networks d. Unit-4 Introduction to Python 3. Part C Practical Work