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Design and Analysis of Algorithms for College students

Design and Analysis of Algorithms for College students


In the domain of city planning, smart cities made perceivable differences in easing city life, adding to its quality while keeping its people connected, engaged and informed. This book aims to introduce the idea of ‘Smart cities’ comprehensively by covering the conceptual basis and the principles in practice systematically and sector-wise. Written lucidly, covering both possible new attempts and retrofitting options in turning smart, the book is an all in one handy volume for beginners to city enthusiasts to advanced learners. Features: 1. Contains a concise story of cities and major innovations in city development. 2. Chapters on Mobility, Energy, Governance, Water Supply, Waste Management, Economy, Buildings and Environment as core sectors of smart city transformation. 3. Dedicated chapter on ICT. 4. Chapters on International and Indian case studies cover potential interventions. 5. Review Questions and Project Ideas added to test level of comprehension. Table of Contents: Chapter 1) Story of Cities Chapter 2) Urbanization and Sustainable Cities Chapter 3) Smart Cities: State of the Art Chapter 4) Smart Urban Mobility Chapter 5) Smart Energy Chapter 6) Smart Governance Chapter 7) Smart Water Management Chapter 8) Smart Waste Management Chapter 9) Smart Economy Chapter 10) Smart Buildings Chapter 11) Smart Environment Chapter 12) ICT for Smart Cities Chapter 13) Smart Cities: International Cases Chapter 14) Smart Cities: Indian Cases

7 months ago
Internal Combustion Engines

Internal Combustion Engines


Combustion Engineering, Second Edition maintains the same goal as the original: to present the fundamentals of combustion science with application to today’s energy challenges. Using combustion applications to reinforce the fundamentals of combustion science, this text provides a uniquely accessible introduction to combustion for undergraduate students, first-year graduate students, and professionals in the workplace. Combustion is a critical issue impacting energy utilization, sustainability, and climate change. The challenge is to design safe and efficient combustion systems for many types of fuels in a way that protects the environment and enables sustainable lifestyles. Emphasizing the use of combustion fundamentals in the engineering and design of combustion systems, this text provides detailed coverage of gaseous, liquid and solid fuel combustion, including focused coverage of biomass combustion, which will be invaluable to new entrants to the field. Eight chapters address the fundamentals of combustion, including fuels, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, flames, detonations, sprays, and solid fuel combustion mechanisms. Eight additional chapters apply these fundamentals to furnaces, spark ignition and diesel engines, gas turbines, and suspension burning, fixed bed combustion, and fluidized bed combustion of solid fuels. Presenting a renewed emphasis on fundamentals and updated applications to illustrate the latest trends relevant to combustion engineering, the authors provide a number of pedagogic features, including: Numerous tables with practical data and formulae that link combustion fundamentals to engineering practice Concise presentation of mathematical methods with qualitative descriptions of their use Coverage of alternative and renewable fuel topics throughout the text Extensive example problems, chapter-end problems, and references These features and the overall fundamentals-to-practice nature of this book make it an ideal resource for undergraduate, first level graduate, or professional training

7 months ago