Book is in good condition. I have got in total 2 copies of this book
This book is generally prescribed for VTU engineering students in first year for mechanical engineering subject. I had read the same for my VTU exams too. Anyone in any part of India can take this book by paying ₹100 and the book will be sent as parcel to your nearest VRL logistics office. WhatsApp 9886353469 for queries.
Unused book for sale!
New condition book for sale.
Unused 'C Language' book for sale.
(Transforms and Partial Differential Equations)
(Electronic Devices and Circuits)
(A textbook of Applied Electronics)
Newly bought GATE 2019 Production and Industrial Engineering Book. (15 days old) GKP Publication.Well maintained, clean, good paper quality.Contents - Engineering Aptitude and Reasoning; Engineering Mathematics; Technical Sections as per the GATE 2019 PI syllabus. In depth theory as well as numerous solved problems and questions with answers.3 mock tests, 3 previous year solved papers. Free online mock tests.
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2 new 2 used
(GATE-16 Mechanical engineering all books set)
(101 challenges in c programming)
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(C programming books)
The Engineers academy is a Hyderabad based coaching centre for GATE/ESE/PSU's and state government exams.All the subjects are available.Few images are added for reference
ACE Academy GATE 2014 Civil Engineering books are available for just Rs.300
(Electrical Engineering Power Systemss)
(Finite element analysis)
(Wireless Telecommunication Systems and Networks)
(Digital Switching Systems)
(Criptography and Network Security)