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Principles Of Soft Computing by S.N. Sivanandam, S.N. Deepa

Principles Of Soft Computing by S.N. Sivanandam, S.N. Deepa


In this book the basic concepts of soft computing are dealt in detail with the relevant information and knowledge available for understanding the computing process. The various neural network concepts are explained with examples, highlighting the difference between various architectures. Fuzzy logic techniques have been clearly dealt with suitable examples. Genetic algorithm operators and the various classifications have been discussed in lucid manner, so that a beginner can understand the concepts with minimal effort. The book can be used as a handbook as well as a guide for students of all engineering disciplines, soft computing research scholars, management sector, operational research area, computer applications and for various professionals who work in this area. B. Tech (UG) students of ?CSE ?IT ?ECE College Libraries Research Scholars Operational Research Management SectorIn this book the basic concepts of soft computing are dealt in detail with the relevant information and knowledge available for understanding the computing process. The various neural network concepts are explained with examples, highlighting the difference between various architectures. Fuzzy logic techniques have been clearly dealt with suitable examples. Genetic algorithm operators and the various classifications have been discussed in lucid manner, so that a beginner can understand the concepts with minimal effort. The book can be used as a handbook as well as a guide for students of all engineering disciplines, soft computing research scholars, management sector, operational research area, computer applications and for various professionals who work in this area. Introduction Artificial Neural Network: An Introduction Supervised Learning Network Associative Memory Networks Unsupervised Learning Networks Special Networks Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations Membership Functions Defuzzification Fuzzy Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measu

2 months ago
Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design by Constantine A. Balanis

Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design by Constantine A. Balanis


A terceira edição de Teoria de Antenas: Análise e Síntese almeja atender às necessidades de estudantes avançados de graduação e iniciantes de pós-graduação em engenharia elétrica ou física, assim como aos profissionais destas áreas. O texto pressupõe que os estudantes têm o conhecimento básico de teoria eletromagnética correspondente a cursos de graduação, incluindo equações de Maxwell e equação de onda, física básica, cálculos integral e diferencial. Técnicas matemáticas necessárias para o entendimento de alguns tópicos avançados, apresentados nos capítulos finais, são incorporadas aos respectivos capítulos ou incluídas como apêndices. A terceira edição manteve todos os atrativos da primeira e da segunda edições, incluindo gráficos tridimensionais para ilustrar as características de radiação de antenas, especialmente diagramas de amplitude. O principal objetivo do livro é apresentar, de forma unificada, os princípios fundamentais da teoria de antenas e aplicá-los à análise, ao projeto e às medidas de antenas. O CD que acompanha este livro abrirá automaticamente ao ser inserido no computador. É altamente recomendável que o leitor use o Internet Explorer (IE) para abrir o Material Multimídia; outros browsers podem não ter o mesmo desempenho. Informação adicional sobre como abrir e usar o material no CD pode ser encontrada no arquivo AJUDA, incluído no próprio CD.

2 months ago
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Bioinformatics Methods and Applications by S.C. Rastogi, N Mendiratta

Bioinformatics Methods and Applications by S.C. Rastogi, N Mendiratta


Designed as a text forstudents of molecular biology, pharmacy and bioinformatics, Bioinformatics Methods AndApplications covers theexciting and emerging field of Bioinformatics which stands at the confluence ofbiological sciences and IT. It encompasses the entire spectrum ofbioinformatics and covers newer topics and areas to make it such a fascinatingstudy. The text provides a detailed description and a critical examination ofthe various approaches to the study of genomes, proteomes and drug discoveryprocess. As drug discovery, one of the very important applications ofbioinformatics, has been significantly impacted by high-throughput technologiessuch as microarray technologies, these are emphasized. It is not merely thecomprehensiveness of the text that will capture the attention of the readers, butbeyond that, its weaving together, as in a fine fabric, the theory as well asthe methods and applications pertaining to genomes and proteomes makes the texta harmonious whole. Designed as a text forstudents of molecular biology, pharmacy and bioinformatics, Bioinformatics Methods AndApplications covers theexciting and emerging field of Bioinformatics which stands at the confluence ofbiological sciences and IT. It encompasses the entire spectrum ofbioinformatics and covers newer topics and areas to make it such a fascinatingstudy. The text provides a detailed description and a critical examination ofthe various approaches to the study of genomes, proteomes and drug discoveryprocess. As drug discovery, one of the very important applications ofbioinformatics, has been significantly impacted by high-throughput technologiessuch as microarray technologies, these are emphasized. It is not merely thecomprehensiveness of the text that will capture the attention of the readers, butbeyond that, its weaving together, as in a fine fabric, the theory as well asthe methods and applications pertaining to genomes and proteomes makes the texta harmonious whole.

2 months ago