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1st year mbbs Anatomy text book upperlimb and thorax

1st year mbbs Anatomy text book upperlimb and thorax


Third edition of this book is thoroughly revised and updated in accordance with the syllabus of anatomy recommended by the Medical Council of India. It covers in detail the anatomy of upper limb and thorax. The anatomy of heart and lungs is co-related clinically in depth. Following recent trends of anatomy education, the book in addition to basic information provides knowledge on anatomical/embryological/histological/genetic basis of common clinical problems through its features — Clinical Correlation and Clinical Case Study. Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, this profusely illustrated book provides the knowledge of anatomy without extraneous details. The specific learning objectives have been given in the beginning of each chapter to facilitate self-learning by the students. Ideal for UG medical and dental students, NEET PG entrance examinations, USMLE, PLAB, FMGE, etc. - Thorough revision of all the chapters - Detailed exposition on joints and nerves of the upper limb - Surgical anatomy of heart, lungs, trachea and oesophagus - Clinical Correlations integrated in the text, highlighting clinical application of anatomical facts, have been updated extensively - Golden Facts to Remember at the end of each chapter highlight the salient and important points for the purpose of viva-voce and competitive exams - Clinical Case Study at the end of each chapter to initiate interest of students in problem based learning (PBL) - Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in N.B. to inculcate interest among readers, especially postgraduates - Important facts useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, PLAB, listed under Golden Facts to Remember - Multiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment of the topics studied - Core competencies prescribed by the MCI are covered and competency codes are included in the text - Core competencies prescribed by the MCI are covered and competency codes are included in the text

1 month ago
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Upper and lower limb cunninghams

Upper and lower limb cunninghams


The new 16th edition of Cunningham's has been thoroughly revised for the modern-day anatomy student. The language has been simplified for easy understanding making this textbook ideal for students at undergraduate levels. Each dissection reflects current medical school teaching and is now broken down into clear step-by-step instructions. New learning features prepare students for the dissection lab, university examinations and clinical practice. Completely updated full colour artwork brings the friendly explanations to life.Following a logical structure, each chapter explains in a clear friendly manner the key knowledge expected of students. Improved diagrams with clear labelling and full colour illustrate key anatomical features bringing the text to life. Learning objectives introduce each dissection and clear step-by-step instructions make it easy to follow in the dissection lab.Throughout the book new clinical application boxes and radiology images explain how anatomy relates to clinical medical practice. At the end of each part, multiple-choice questions allow students to quickly review their knowledge before checking the answers in the appendix.Student friendly and richly illustrated this new edition of Cunningham's brings expert anatomical teaching to the modern day student of medicine, dentistry and allied health sciences. Retaining the trustworthy authority of the previous editions, this sixteenth edition offers a contemporary account of this excellent practical anatomy book.

1 month ago
Embryology  classMBBS

Embryology classMBBS


The First South Asian Edition of Snell's Clinical Neuroanatomy has been revised primarily as per the new competency-basedcurriculum recommended by the Medical Council of India. This globally admired text provides an understanding of clinically orientedneuroanatomy comprehensively for medical students and health professionals. Salient Features of South Asian Edition: Content has been structured as per the new competency-based curriculum. Keeping the essence of the text, chapters have been revised methodically. Anatomy relating the different parts of the skull to brainareas is included in Chapter 1. Chapter objectives and clinical cases emphasize the practical application. Updated Clinical Notes highlight important clinical considerations for quick reference and review. Revised bulleted Key Concepts in each chapter ensure a focused clinically relevant elucidation of neuroanatomy. Clinical Problem Solving and Chapter Review Questions equip students for the challenges encountered in clinical practice. Enhanced color illustrations and new photographs and tables have been incorporated to facilitate understanding of the fundamentalconcepts and neuroanatomical structures. Frequently Asked Questions have been added at the end of each chapter considering professional examination of various universities. In addition to the existing “Color Atlas of Brain,” “Atlas of Noteworthy Diagnostic Images” has also been added to bridge the gapbetween basic neuroanatomical concepts and clinical application. A comprehensive Question bank, including over 450 questions, is provided online.

1 month ago