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Books for dental students
Basic Dental Materials is the new edition of this extensive guide to materials used in dentistry. The book has been entirely reorganised, with substantial revisions in each chapter incorporating the latest developments and research findings, and new colour illustrations have been added. Basic Dental Materials provides a practical approach to the selection and use of modern dental materials, with guidance on preparation for indirect restorations such as crowns, bridges and inlays. Enhanced by 645 images and illustrations, this comprehensive book will bring the knowledge of dental students and practising students firmly up to date.
Pre clinical manual of prosthodontics by S lakshmi
The third edition of Preclinical Manual of Prosthodontics is revised and updated with more preclinical exercises as well as instruments and materials in the same format of step-by-step illustrations of the various laboratory exercises, which students have to learn and perform in their 2nd Year BDS course for the preclinical prosthodontics examination. This is the only book of its kind that would serve as a guide for learning as well as practicing the exercises on their model in the class.New to this editionMore instruments and materials addedNew exercises: (i) Beading and boxing of maxillary and mandibular edentulous impressions, (ii) Making of the primary cast with a base from primary edentulous impressions (iii) All ceramics crown preparation for mandibular first molar toothAdditional FeaturesComplimentary access to full e-bookProcedural videos
Textbook of biochemistry by dm vasuudevan
The third edition of this textbook has been fully revised to provide dental students with the latest information in the field of biochemistry. The comprehensive text is divided into 31 chapters and covers key aspects of biochemistry that students will need to know for examinations, including amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, metabolism, acid-base balance, dental caries, and much more. The new edition features a question bank of essay type and short note questions based on previous examination papers. The book is highly illustrated with clinical images, tables and boxes, and key points in each chapter are highlighted for quick reference and to assist learning. Key points Fully revised third edition providing dental students with latest information in the field of biochemistry Features question bank of essay type and short note practice questions Highlights key learning points for each topic Previous edition (9789350254882) published in 2011
Nikhil marwah textbook of pediatric dentistry
This new edition is a complete guide to paediatric dentistry for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students. Divided into nineteen sections, the book begins with an introduction to the specialty, oral examination, teeth identification and numbering, imaging, and growth and development of a child’s face, mouth and teeth. The next chapters discuss diet and nutrition, plaque control and fluorides, and dental caries. Dental subspecialties including endodontics, orthodontics, restorative dentistry, periodontics, and surgery, each have their own dedicated sections. The concluding chapters cover oral pathology, forensics, lasers, dental advances, and research. The fourth edition has been fully revised to provide the latest information in the field and features many new topics including zirconia crowns, revascularisation and pulp regeneration, silver diamine fluoride, general anaesthesia, and presurgical nasoalveolar moulding in the management of cleft lip and palate. Key points Complete guide to paediatric dentistry for dental students Fully revised fourth edition with many new topics Highly illustrated with more than 1000 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables Previous edition (9789351522324) published in 2014
Balaji textbook of orthodontics
The Third Edition Of This Book Adopts A Universally Accepted Friendly Two Color Format Followed Internationally By Most Publishers. An Effort Has Been Made To Improve The Overall Quality Of The Illustrations Which Have Been Painstakingly Redrawn And Enhanced Using The Latest Available Software. Also Added A Number Of Clinical Photographs To Enable Easy Understanding Of The Subject. The Book Covers The Entire Syllabus.
Ongole textbook of oral medicine and radiology
Targeted mainly at undergraduate students of dentistry, Textbook of Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology is a comprehensive text on oral medicine, diagnosis and radiological aspects of various orofacial diseases and oral manifestations of systemic disorders. It would also cater to the needs of PG students and dental practitioners as a useful reference book. SALIENT FEATURES • Content fully aligned with DCI curriculum • A multi-authored book with more than 60 authors from various dental colleges all over India and from countries like USA, England, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Nigeria New to This Edition • Topics on: - PET-CT in the Management of Oral Cancer - Dental Consideration in Systemic Disorders - Multiplanar Landmarks in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) - Oral Manifestations of COVID-19 • Key Facts added at the end of each chapter for easy recapitulation of read concepts • Digital Resources on - ABC of Drugs Used in Dentistry - Syndromes of the Head and Neck - Laboratory Diagnostic Procedures - References (chapter wise) - 14 Procedural videos with 7 each on oral medicine and oral radiology • Topics on: - PET-CT in the Management of Oral Cancer - Dental Consideration in Systemic Disorders - Multiplanar Landmarks in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) - Oral Manifestations of COVID-19 • Key Facts added at the end of each chapter for easy recapitulation of read concepts • Digital Resources on - ABC of Drugs Used in Dentistry - Syndromes of the Head and Neck - Laboratory Diagnostic Procedures - References (chapter wise) - 14 Procedural videos with 7 each on oral medicine and oral radiology
Textbook of endodontics
Endodontics is the prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases of the tooth pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth. This new edition brings trainees up to date with the most recent advances in the field. Each chapter has been fully revised and new topics are included such as endodontic failures and retreatment, tooth hypersensitivity, and tooth infractions. Key points and clinical tips are highlighted for each topic and questions are included at the end of each chapter to assist exam preparation. This comprehensive third edition includes more than 1000 high quality images and line diagrams and two accompanying DVD ROMs demonstrate root canal procedures. Key points Comprehensive, new edition bringing trainees fully up to date with recent advances in endodontics Each chapter included key points, clinical tips and questions for revision Two DVD ROMs demonstrate root canal procedures Previous edition published in 2010
Renowned and recommended textbook in the subject that explains the basic concepts in concise manner. • Is an amalgamation of medical and basic sciences, and is comprehensively written, revised and updated to meet the curriculum requirements of Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences students and others studying Biochemistry as one of the subjects. • Is the first textbook on Biochemistry in English with multi-color illustrations by an author from Asia. The use of multicolor format is for a clear understanding of the complicated structures and biochemical reactions. • Is written in a lucid style with the subject being presented as an engaging story growing from elementary information to the most recent advances, and with theoretical discussions being supplemented with illustrations, tables, biomedical concepts, clinical correlates and case studies for easy understanding of the subject. • Has each chapter beginning with a four-line verse followed by the text with clinical correlates, a summary, and self-assessment exercises. The lively illustrations and text with appropriate headings and sub-headings in bold typeface facilitate reading path clarity and quick recall. All this will the students to master the subject and face the examination with confidence. • Provides the most recent and essential information on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and current topics such as Diabetes, Cancer, Free Radicals and Antioxidants, Prostaglandins, etc. • Describes a wide variety of case studies (77) with biomedical correlations. The case studies are listed at the end of relevant chapters for immediate reference, quick review and better understanding of Biochemistry. • Contains the basics (Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics) for beginners to learn easily Biochemistry, origins of biochemical words, confusables in Biochemistry, principles of Practical Biochemistry, and Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory. • Complimentary access to
Dental Material
This book presents a thorough and systematic approach of microbiology in a very clear,concise, simplified and easily understandable manner. The text is amply illustrated by largenumber of figures, flowcharts, tables and boxes. This will help not only in understanding theconcepts to clear the professional exams but will also teach the importance and application ofmicrobiology in clinical practice.• Focus on clinical and laboratory aspects of infectious diseases covering bacterial, tubercular,viral, parasitic and fungal infections.• Organization of the text into sections helps to recollect the facts easily.• Chapter outline in the beginning of each chapter helps to facilitate self-learning by thestudents.• Syndromic approach to common syndromes highlights the important causes and laboratorydiagnostic approach.• Flowcharts and line diagrams represent the diagnostic procedures and life cycles.• Questions given at the end of chapters for self-assessment of topics.• Multiple choice questions section-by-section at the end of the book for self-assessment ofthe topics studied.Online Resources at• Complimentary access to full e-book.• Procedural animations.