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Class 8 Bharat ki khoj
The Constitution Of India Came Into Force On 26Th January, 1950 And Since Then Indigenous Ideas Have Been Introduced, New Experiments Have Been Conducted And New Thrust Areas Have Been Identified In Different Aspects Of Education In India To Keep Pace With The Developments In Society, Politics, Economics, Emotions And Sentiments At The National And International Levels. A Vast And Fast Developing Country Like India Is Bound To Encounter New And Recurring Problems Of Educational Expansion, Total Quality Management, Planning, Administration, Supervision, Curriculum, Evaluation, Teacher Education, Special Education, Integrated Education, Leadership, Ecology And Guidance Services In Schools.This Book Is An Humble Attempt To Understand Some Of The Afore-Said Problems Of Education In Their Right Perspectives And To Find Out Solutions In The Light Of Recommendations Of Various Committees And Commissions, Policies, Reports And Publications Of Mhrd, Ncert, Niepa, Ncte, Other Institutes, Frontline Educationists And Authors Of Eminence.The Distinguishing Features Of The Book Are Lucidity And Simplicity Of Language, Uniformity And Precision In Organisation Of Facts And Figures With Scope For Reading Between Lines And Beyond Suitable For Students Of Teacher Education Institutions And University Departments Of Education.
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The NCERT Mathematics Practice Books for classes 1 to 8 are designed to provide additional practice to the users of the NCERT Mathematics Textbooks as well as for the general practice of mathematical concepts. These books serve as companions to the NCERT Mathematics Textbooks: Math-Magic for classes 1 to 5 and Mathematics for classes 6 to 8.
The S. Chand NCERT Companion Series is a set of Practice Books designed to provide additional practice to the users of the NCERT textbooks. The NCERT English Practice Books 1-8 serve as companions to NCERT's English Textbooks: Marigold (classes1-5), Honeysuckle, Honeycomb and Honeydew textbooks (classes 6, 7 and 8 respectively).The practice material has been placed in the form of worksheets. These worksheets are designed to provide ample opportunities to the learner to think, analyze and appreciate the English language independently.
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Lakhmir Singh’s Science is a series of books which conforms to the NCERT syllabus. The main aim of writing this series is to help students understand difficult scientific concepts in a simple manner in easy language. The ebook version does not contain CD.